With SPSS predictive analytics software, you can predict with confidence what will happen next so that you can make smarter decisions, solve problems and improve outcomes. GradPacks are affordable, single-user licenses that provide students with essential analytical tools to support their graduate and undergraduate studies.
What's New in IBM SPSS Premium
- Analyze your data with new and advanced statistics. The Advanced Statistics module offers a variety of new features within GENLINMIXED and GLM/UNIANOVA methods.
- Supports Bayesian inference, which is a method of statistical inference.
- Integrate better with third-party applications.
- Stronger integration with Microsoft Office
- Save time and effort with productivity enhancements:
- Chartbuilder enhancements for building more attractive and modern- looking charts
- New ground breaking features with SPSS Amos
- Data and syntax editor enhancements
- Accessibility improvements for the visually impaired
- Updated merge user interface
- Simplified toolbars
- Licensing improvements
IBM SPSS Statistics Premium GradPack -- offers advanced students the full complement of statistical capabilities, and includes the following modules:
- IBM SPSS Base 25
- IBM SPSS Advanced Statistics
- IBM SPSS Regression
- IBM SPSS Custom Tables - note: this add-on requires that you order the DVD.
- IBM SPSS Data Preparation
- IBM SPSS Missing Values
- IBM SPSS Forecasting
- IBM SPSS Decision Trees
- IBM SPSS Direct Marketing
- IBM SPSS Complex Sampling)
- IBM SPSS Conjoint
- IBM SPSS Neural Networks
- IBM SPSS Bootstrapping
- IBM SPSS Categories
- IBM SPSS Exact Tests (Windows only)
- IBM SPSS Visualization Designer (Windows only)
- IBM SPSS SamplePower (Windows only)
To purchase thus product, you must be a student who is currently enrolled in an institution of higher education located in the United States to obtain a degree or participate in a continuing education program, for educational purposes and non-commercial academic research.
Your GradPack purchase enables you to access the Academic Resource Center, your one-stop shop for all of your statistics and data mining needs. This site includes tutorials, reading lists, training courses and many external resources to help you become proficient in the latest analytical techniques.